Notes regarding migrating data directory of MariaDB to another disk…
AWS Linux AMI 2 Extra Libraries
Notes regarding how to enable and use AWS Linux AMI 2 Extra Libraries…
Add SWAP to Instance
Notes regarding how to add SWAP to an AWS Linux 2 AMI instance…
Mounting EBS on EC2
Notes regarding how to mount an elastic block storage onto an AWS Linux 2 AMI instance…
MariaDB Master Slave / Replica Setup
Notes regarding how to setup a master – slave / read replica MariaDB configuration…
Must Have WordPress Plugins 2018
This is a constantly updated list of my must have WordPress plugins.…
Site Optimizations
PHP 7.1 with OPcache Didn’t had opcache installed previously for some reason Google PageSpeed insights for server response dropped from ~0.8s to…
Website’s Launch
Spent the day getting the new website up with most of the infrastructure powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Server / OS: EC2 Amazon Linux AMI Datab…